POBR Day 6


Day six: A new day, checking out the trees with the forestry department. I loved being amongst the trees, the smell of the fresh cut wood…… such a pleasant smell. Have to give thanks to them for giving their lives for us, always thank the trees for their several gifts that they give. We got to see a skidder in action, that machinery is used to bring the fell trees down to the de-limber (after the fellebuncher), which strips the log of its limbs, then the shovel loads all the logs onto the truck.
Afternoon: After our tours (Led by Yvette) of the logging sights, which included entry in the Warm Springs tribe’s closed area, we stopped in by the museum and got to audit the Culture and Language committee’s meeting, they told us some stories of their past experiences and brought up some questions they had for us as scientists and expressed their concern and wants for someone to look into why their local traditional foods. Such as their roots and huckleberries. Why are they getting smaller, why is this invading grass taking over the areas in which they gather their camas roots, and why have some of them turned poisonous. This is something that scares me, growing up with an abundance (but still not as abundant as the past generations) of these traditional foods i.e. roots, berries, meats, salmon, the descent of these is just another way our people are disappearing.
So Long Warm Springs: Off to our next location, grateful to have met with tribal elders including the chief, and happy to be on to our next locale. Let’s go.

Ahh beautiful Bend: Graciously invited to refill our water at the house of Joy and Roger, friend’s of Dr.Black, such a lovely home. Tired and weary from the road, we were able to convince the heads of the trip to let us get pizza for dinner, nom nom nom. We arrived in the night to our campsite, gorgeous area, which made me question whether or not I died, our home for next five days (I believe) which I am fine with, smitten with Deschutes (hey that’d make a cute tee shirt).
We filled our bellies after we set up camp, and alas off to bed, at least for myself, even after falling asleep earlier that day on the drive, I was still ready to sleep the night away. Good night, man.


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