POBR Day 14


Day 14, Final entry:

Weeesa going home!: Yeah that's right, Im SO excited to go home that I went full JarJar.... if you don't know who that is well then look him up haha. Anywho, going through all of the stuff, like camping gear and all that, assisting in taking an inventory and looking at the state of things for the next camping trip. Everything looks good, lets roll up and get going.  After having our tents examined and checking all of our gear in it is finally time to go home.

On the road again: Farewell Beachside, OR, you were a breath of fresh air, I loved taking in your gorgeous view and sandy land. Getting anxious the closer we get to home, almost there, just a little further, my heart pounding with every hour that passes, just hoping to get in at a time that's not too late to pop in and see my favorite people. 

It's been real: I am grateful for the experience of this trip, it has been so full of ups and downs but wouldn't trade any of it for any other. Glad to learn so many new things to share with my children and the rest of the world. Spreading the word of our disappearing resources, hoping to wake people up to the many issues facing our fish, our water, our environment as a whole, and hoping that they can also try to help make a change, in any way, any step towards the right way is a step in the in the right direction. Thankful to have made new friends with some pretty great people who are all on a good path and they were all inspiring in their own ways. Learned some things about myself, and am glad for the opportunity to take the time to look at myself and learn from others. 

Thanks for reading to this point if you have, happy trails, y'all. 


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